Sunday, April 25, 2010

The pickup lines get worse

1. "Excuse me are you a virgin?" "No" "Then can I have the box that it came in?"
2. "Hey baby can I tickle your bellybutton from the inside?"
3. "He pretty thing, are you looking for a job?" "No." "Well I'd like to have you on my staff anyway!"
4. "Just call me milk because I do a body good."
5. "Hey baby wanna f@%k?" "No." "Don't be picky, I wasn't."
6. "Baby you are looking phat!" "What?" "P-H-A-T pretty hot and tempting!"
7. "If I jumped on your back would you beat me off?"
8. "I'm gonna have sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there."
9. "Is there a rainbow outside your house? "No why?" "Because you're the treasure I've been looking for."
10. "Is your name Gillette?" "No why?" "Because you're the best a man can get!"
11. "Hey baby 69 means dinner for 2."
12. "Do you work for UPS?" "No why?" "Because I saw you checking out my package."
13. "If you were a tear in my eye I would never cry for fear of losing you."
14. "Can we play house? You be the door and I'll slam you!"
15. "Come here and sit on my lap and we'll get something straight between us."
16. "If I wrote the alphabet I'd put U and I together."
17. 'What could be so wrong in heaven that an angel like you is here on Earth."
18. "Your body's name must be Visa because it's everywhere I want to be!"
19. "I heard that milk does a body good but DAMN girl how much milk you been drinking?"
20. "Why don't you come over and sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up."
21. "I'd really like to see how you look when I'm naked."
22. "How are you?" "Fine how are you?" "Would you like to find out?"
23. "I seem to have lost my virginity, can I have yours?"
24. "I forgot my phone number, can I have yours?"
25. "Quick, I need 50 cents! My mother asked me to call her when I fell in love."
26. "The word of the day is legs, so let's go back to my place and spread the word."
27. "I wish you were a love buffet so I could lay you on the table and take my pick."
28. "Is your name Candy?" "Why?" "Because you are looking so sweet."
29. "If beauty stank you'd be the sh!t!"
30. "Hey do you like fruit?" "Yes why?" "Well suck this, it's a peach."
31. "Do you want to play elevator?" "What's that?" "It's up now, wanna go down on it?"
32. "Is your daddy a thief?" "Why?" "Because he stole the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes."
33. "Damn there must be something wrong with my eyes!" "Why?" "Because they've been stuck on you all day!"
34. "Do you know why girls masturbate with this finger? (hold out index finger) Because it's mine!"
35. "Would you like to play Pearl Harbor? I'll be America, you be Japan and blow the hell out of me!"
36. "Would you sleep with me?" "No." "Have another beer."
37. "Do you have the time?" "Why do you have the energy?"
38. "You seem shy." "The only thing I'm shy of is two inches from a foot."
39. "F@%k me if I'm wrong but I know you want to kiss me."
40. "I love every bone in your body especially mine."
41. "Is your daddy a baker?" "Why?" "Because you got some nice buns!"
42. "Just call me Toyota." "Why?" "Because I love what you do for me."
43. "Are those space pants you're wearing?" "Why?" "Cause your a$$ is outta this world!"
44. "Hey baby you know what looks good on you?" "No, what?" "Me!"
45. "Wanna go get a pizza and f@%k?" "No." "I'm sorry, you don't like pizza."
46. "I lost my teddy bear. Would you sleep with me?"
47. "Sit on my face and I will eat my way to your heart."
48. "Would you like to dance?" "No." "I guess you didn't hear me right, I said your a$$ looks mighty fat in those pants!"
49. "If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?"
50. "If you and I were squirrels would you let me bust a nut in your hole?"
51. "Excuse me, but do you believe in premarital sex?" "No." "Well I'm married so let's f@%k!"
52. "Baby if you were a booger I'd pick you first."
53. "Excuse me could you give me directions?" "To where?" "To your heart."
54. "F@%k me if I'm wrong but isn't your name Gretchen?"
55. "I've got the ship, you've got the harbor, what do you say we tie up for the night."
56. "That dress looks good on you, but it would look even better in a crumpled up little heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning."
57. "That dress is very becoming on you. If I was on you I'd be coming to."
58. "I have the F the C the K and now all I need is you."
59. "If God made anything better looking than you he must have kept it for himself."
60. "Let's do some math! Add you and me together, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply."
61. "Is your dad a terrorist?" "Why?" "Cause you da bomb!"
62. "Is your name Campbell's?" "Why?" "Cause you are Mmm mmm good!"
63. "Do you sleep on your stomach?" "No." "Can I?"
64. "Did it hurt?" "What?" "Falling from heaven."
65. "Can I get a picture of you?" "Why?" "So I can show Santa what I want for Christmas."
66. "Are your feet hurting?" "Why?" "Cause you've been running though my mind all day."
67. "Was that love at first sight or should I walk by again?"
68. "Damn I need a broom!" "Why?" "Because I'm about to sweep you off your feet."
69. "Do you wash your pants with Windex?" "Why?" Because I can see myself in them."
70. "Nice shirt. Can I help you get it off?
71. "I heard you're good in bed." "From who?" "Me. I thought I'd find out for myself."
72. "Do you know there are 265 bones in your body. I could show you how to get one more in."
73. "You must have great bandwidth!"

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